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Meet Ryan Kennelly, an Ambetter broker who knows what attracts clients.

Date: 12/01/17

Name: Ryan Kennelly

State you live in: Illinois

States you write in: IL, IN, WI, TX, CO, AZ, CA… 25 or so, on last count.

Personal secret to success: Sleep is a luxury; hard work is not.

Favorite Quote: Man, I told you not to go in that house.

What tips would you offer a new broker interested in selling Affordable Care Act plans? Help as much as you can, and learn as much as you can. Loyal customers are earned. Since a lot of brokers don’t sell ACA plans full time or haven’t updated their knowledge since the law’s passage, a little research and knowledge will get you far.

What do you like the best about the Ambetter plans? Ambetter offers great value for your buck, and I appreciate and value their national commitment to making the ACA work.

What features of the Ambetter product offering best resonate with most with your clients, our My Health Pays Program, our rates, our network? Something else? My clients always appreciate the competitive rates and the Health Pays program has been fun especially for my millennial clients.

How do you ensure your clients make their binder payment? Follow up! I always try to make it as easy as possible. Here’s the link, or here’s your member number and the phone number to call.

What would you like to see more issuers do in the ACA market or add to the market for the next open enrollment season? I think there is a market for more “Cadillac” plans. For instance, if an issuer added Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, there would be thousands of people who would pay a pretty penny.

Better is: Ensuring my brokers and clients have access to the best health care to live their best lives.