Health Insurance Basics | Ambetter from Sunshine Health
Need help understanding health insurance, or how health insurance works?
Read more about the insurance marketplace, how to shop and what to expect from your health insurance.
To enroll in a Marketplace plan, you will need to go to Link This provides you a faster way to browse and shop for Ambetter Health plans.
All health insurance marketplace plans, including Ambetter Health plans, provide essential health benefits.
There are three levels of Ambetter Health insurance marketplace plans: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Depending on your needs and what you want to pay, there is a plan that works for you. Learn more about essential health benefits and Ambetter Health plans.
Visit About Our Plans.
Open Enrollment is the time period when you can enroll or renew or change your health insurance plan. It begins November 1st and ends on January 15th. If Open Enrollment is over, you may still be able to enroll in health insurance during a Special Enrollment period. This is a time outside the annual Open Enrollment period where you can sign up for health insurance (if you don’t already have insurance coverage).
To qualify, you would need to experience a Qualifying Life Event that causes a change in your insurance status. Visit our Get Covered page for a list of qualifying life events.
Learn more about Special Enrollment at our Become a Member page.
When you’re ready to shop for health insurance, use the easy Ambetter Health shopping tool. Start by entering basic information about your income, where you live, and family size. The answers will determine what kinds of insurance plans you qualify for.
Then you’ll be able to view and compare Ambetter Health insurance plans. Review monthly payment costs, coverage options, benefits and more. Then choose the plan that’s best for you and your family.
Ready to enroll in Ambetter Health? Shop and compare plans.External Link
Once you’ve selected a health plan, it’s important to pay your monthly premium on time every month. This way, you’ll keep your coverage active.
With Ambetter Health, you have many options for paying your monthly bill. The best way is to pay online – it’s easy and hassle-free.
Learn more about Ambetter Health payment options at our Ways to Pay page.
Once you’re a member, you’re ready to take advantage of all that your Ambetter health insurance has to offer.
First sign up for your online member account where you can view and manage your plan, download your ID Card, access Ambetter Health’s Rewards program, and more
.Find all that’s available to you as a new member at our New Members page.
Learn more about key health insurance terms. View the Video.